Wendy Rheault, PT, PhD, FASAHP, FNAP, DipACLM
President and CEO
Shelly Brzycki, MS
Dean of Students
James Carlson, PhD, PA‑C, CHSE‑A
Associate Provost for Innovation, Vice President for Interprofessional Education and Simulation
Moreen Carvan, EdD
Vice President for Academic and Faculty Affairs
Archana Chatterjee, MD, PhD
Dean, Chicago Medical School, Senior Vice President for Medical Affairs
Lee Concha, MA
Executive Vice President for University Strategies and Chief of Staff
Dennis DeMasie
CIO, Vice President of Information Technology
Joseph X. DiMario, PhD
Dean, School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Interim Vice President for Research
Lisa L. Dutton, PT, PhD
Dean, College of Health Professions
Jeff Espina, MBA
Vice President of Clinical Services, Privacy Officer
Gavin Farry, MBA, CPA
Executive Vice President of Finance and Administration
Francis Lawrence Hughes
Principal Senator, Faculty Senate
Lisa Hopp, PhD, RN, FAAN
Dean, College of Nursing
Bruce Jefferson, JD
General Counsel
Sarah Kelly, PhD
Vice President for Strategic Enrollment Management
Nancy L. Parsley, DPM, MHPE
Chad B. Ruback, MSEd, MBA
Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Sarah Schuck
Director, Office of the Dean, CMS, Staff Council representative
Kristin Wiisanen, PharmD, FAPhA, FCCP
Dean, College of Pharmacy
Eric Williams, PhD
Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Stephanie Wu, DPM, MS, FACFAS
Dean, Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine
Daniela Maciel
Executive Student Council Vice Chair