Health Professions Education Course Description

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HHPE 510 – Learning Theories (3 QH)

Students will examine domains of learning and adult learning theories and how they apply to health professions students. Topics include best practices for motivation, adapting to various learning styles, teaching models/strategies, instructional paradigms, and interprofessional learning environments. The concept of lifelong learning is introduced and students will explore the role that higher education and corporate education/training play in instilling a desire for lifelong learning. In addition, students will develop statements of Teaching Philosophy and Philosophy on Interprofessional Education.

Objective 1 Core course offered during fall quarter.

Prerequisite: Enrollment in program or Department Approval.

HHPE 512 – Instructional Presentation Skills (3 QH)

Students will acquire classroom presentation skills as they explore effective teaching and learning strategies. Topics include effective speaking, use of technology in the classroom, creation of PowerPoint presentations, effective communication through posters, creating dynamic learning environments, and adapting presentations to interprofessional groups of students.

Objective 1 Core course offered during spring quarter.

Prerequisite: HHPE510, HHPE535, HHPE540 or Department Approval

HHPE 516 – Clinical Instruction and Mentoring (3 QH)

Students will examine the process of clinical instruction and mentoring including defining learning and performance objectives, creating student evaluation tools, determining clinical site and mentor criteria, and creating positive clinical learning experiences. Students will also explore the incorporation of an interprofessional experience into students’ clinical rotations.

Objective 1 Elective course offered during winter quarter.

Prerequisite: HHPE510, HHPE535, HHPE540 or Department Approval

HHPE 520 – Educational Trends and Issues (3 QH)

Students will discuss changes in educational theories and practices as well as the incorporation of new ideas into educational models. Topics may include collaborative learning environments, virtual learning communities, generational concerns in education, cultural concerns in education, and the movement of education toward interprofessionalism.

Objective 1 Core course offered during fall quarter.

Prerequisite: Enrollment in program or Department Approval.

HHPE 530 – Curriculum Design (3 QH)

Students will work through the process of curriculum development. Topics include needs assessment, alignment with institution mission and vision, course sequencing, and planning learning. Students will design needs assessment instruments which will identify needs that can be met with training interventions.

Objective 2 Core course offered during fall quarter.

Prerequisite:  HHPE510, HHPE535, HHPE540

HHPE 535 – Instructional Design for Health Professions Education (4 QH)

Students will apply curriculum design techniques to design a course in an area of their interest. Activities will include writing learning objectives, designing assessment tools, and developing content. Students will also discuss how to adapt courses to include interprofessional students.

Objective 2 Core course offered during winter quarter.

Prerequisite: HHPE 510, or Department Approval

HHPE 540 – Classroom Assessment (4 QH)

Students will examine various tools to assess student learning in the classroom setting. Topics include annotated portfolios, concept maps, memory matrix, process analysis, rubrics development, and the use of reflective statements. Students will also discuss how to adapt assessment tools to include interprofessional students.

Objective 3 Core course offered during winter quarter.

Prerequisite: HHPE510, or Department Approval

HHPE 545 – Evaluating Clinical Competence (3 QH)

Student will develop appropriate tools to evaluate student performance in a clinical setting. In addition, students will develop a clinical rotation manual in their area of interest.

Objective 3 Elective course offered during spring quarter.

Prerequisite: HHPE 510, HHPE516, HHPE535, HHPE540

HHPE 560 – Managing Change in Educational Organizations (3 QH)

Students will examine change and its impact on educational organizations. They will explore change management strategies, addressing the concerns of an interprofessional community, aligning change with institutional mission, becoming a change agent, counteracting resistance to change, and influencing strategic planning.

Objective 4 Core course offered during winter quarter.

Prerequisite: HHPE510 or Department Approval

HHPE 580 – Research in Education (3 QH)

Students will review the process of research and its use in the educational setting. In addition, students will develop skills for critically evaluating research, and explore the possibilities of conducting educational research. Students will also suggest methods for investigating the impact of interprofessional education and/or multicultural concerns in health professions education.

Objective 4 Core course offered during summer quarter.

Prerequisite: Enrollment in program or Department Approval.

HHPE 601 – Creating Self-Instructional Units (3 QH)

Students will work through the process for and develop a self-instructional unit (SIU) in an area of their own interest. Areas of SIU development may include instruction of health professions students, new employee training, and patient education.

Objective 2 Elective course offered during spring quarter.

Prerequisite: HHPE510, HHPE535, HHPE540

HHPE 602 – Designing Simulated Learning Activities (3 QH)

In this course the concepts of simulations and games will be explored along with their applications to education. Students will work through the process of designing a simulation in their area of interest.

Objective 2 Elective course offered during winter quarter.

Prerequisite: HHPE510, HHPE535, HHPE540

HHPE 610 – Teaching in the Virtual Classroom (3 QH)

Students will debate the benefits and drawbacks to online formats of education, explore the use of course management systems to develop virtual classrooms, practice facilitation skills for effective online teaching, and apply curriculum design strategies to online course development. Students will also discuss the use of the online environment in teaching interprofessional courses.

Objective 1 Elective course offered during winter quarter.

Prerequisite: Enrollment in program or Department Approval.

HHPE 611 – Online Instructional Design and Technology (3 QH)

Students will develop basic skills in the technologies commonly used in online instructional design including HTML, Cascading Style Sheets, PowerPoint with voice over, audio files, video files, and images. Mobile technology, standard formats and quality will also be discussed. Students will learn how to efficiently develop transcripts and captions so instructional media meets ADA compliance guidelines. Design principles such as color, consistency, layout and contrast will be explored.

Objective 1 Elective course offered during winter quarter.

Prerequisite: Enrollment in program or Department Approval.

HHPE 612 – Teaching in the Multi-cultural Classroom (3 QH)

Students will examine the impact of culture on teaching and learning. Strategies to create and facilitate an effective multi-cultural classroom will be explored, along with discussion of best practices for teaching multi-cultural groups of students.

Objective 1 Elective course offered during spring quarter.

Prerequisites: HHPE510, HHPE535, HHPE540

HHPE 613 – Building an Online Learning Community (3 QH)

Students will examine the unique world of online communication.  Topics include the instructor’s role, the learner’s role, and challenges of communication in the online environment. Students will also discuss how learning activities can be constructed to foster communication and collaboration and how feedback can be used to help build student confidence and the relationship with their instructor.  Developing an online community that fosters interprofessional collaboration will also be reviewed.

Objective 2 Elective course offered during spring quarter.

Prerequisite: Enrollment in program or Department Approval.

HHPE 614 – Assessment & Evaluation in Online Education (3 QH)

Assessment and evaluation play a major role in determining the quality of learning in an online course. Students will explore various formative and summative assessment techniques and discuss how they can be combined to provide a greater overall representation of student performance. They will also discuss how assessment can be utilized to maximize student potential and identify ‘at-risk’ students for early intervention. Course evaluations will be developed and reviewed to determine their ability to drive course improvement.

Objective 3 Elective course offered during summer quarter.

Prerequisite: Enrollment in program or Department Approval.

HHPE 620 – Program Evaluation and Accreditation (3 QH)

In this course, students explore program assessment and evaluation methods used in organizations of higher learning. Various topics include institutional and program accreditation, outcomes-based assessment, and staff and faculty evaluation.

Objective 3 Core course offered during fall quarter.

Prerequisite: HHPE510, HHPE535, HHPE540, HHPE530 or concurrent

HHPE 640 – Funding Education (3 QH)

Students will examine the roles of federal, state, and local governments in the funding of education. Topics include budget management, sources of revenue, grants, and financial aid issues.

Objective 4 Elective course offered during summer quarter.

Prerequisite: HHPE 510 or Department Approval

HHPE 645 – Ethical Concerns in Education (3 QH)

Students will debate case studies that reflect values-based decisions with which educational leaders are faced. Topics may include accessibility of education, codes of conduct, diversity, confidentiality, plagiarism, technology, student-faculty relationships, and interprofessional relationships.

Objective 4 Elective course offered during spring quarter.

Prerequisite: HHPE510 or Department Approval

HHPE 648 – Legal Concerns in Education (3 QH)

Students will analyze the legal issues prevalent in education. Topics include regulatory issues, Federal and State constituents and laws, privacy of student records, and freedom of speech.

Objective 4 Elective course offered during spring quarter.

Prerequisite: HHPE510

HHPE 680 – Teaching Practicum (3 QH)

Students will integrate knowledge and skills acquired from all coursework in this degree program to design, teach and evaluate a unit of study in an actual classroom, online, or clinical setting. Students will first write a proposal detailing and justifying their chosen unit within the intended curriculum prior to engaging in the practicum experience. Students are responsible for securing their own practicum sites. The teaching practicum may be discipline specific or may be conducted in an interprofessional setting.

Objective 4 Core course offered during all quarters.

Prerequisite: HHPE 510, 512, 530, 535, 560, 580, electives

HHPE 685 – Portfolio Presentation (1 QH)

Students will assemble and present their teaching portfolio. The portfolio documents student mastery of each core objective: facilitation of learning, curriculum design, student assessment and program evaluation, and educational leadership. Students will present an analysis of each item included in their portfolios along with reflections for each item. In addition, students will perform a self-evaluation regarding their teaching preparedness, including cultural competence and establishment of interprofessional relationships.

Objective 4 Core course offered during all quarters.

Prerequisite: HHPE 510, 512, 530, 535, 560, 580, electives

Courses, course descriptions, and quarter offered are subject to change without prior notice.

Program Completion Schedule

  • Master of Science schedule – Completion in 2 years
  • Certificate schedules – Completion in one year
Master of Science Certificates
Fall Quarter  
Year 1 Health Professions Education
HHPE 510 Learning Theories (3 QH)
HHPE 520 Educational Trends and Issues (3 QH)
HHPE 510 Learning Theories (3 QH)
Year 2  
HHPE 530 Curriculum Design (3 QH)
HHPE 620 Program Evaluation and Accreditation (3 QH)
Winter Quarter  
Year 1 Health Professions Education
HHPE 535 Course Development (4 QH)
HHPE 540 Classroom Assessment (4 QH)
HHPE 535 Course Development (4 QH)
HHPE 540 Classroom Assessment (4 QH)
Year 2  
HHPE 560 Managing Change in Educational Organization (3 QH)
Elective (3 QH)
Spring Quarter  
Year 1 Health Professions Education
HHPE 512 Instructional Presentation Skills (3 QH)
Elective (3 QH)

HHPE 512 Instructional Presentation Skills (3 QH)
(Note: DePaul students must substitute HHPE545 Evaluating Clinical Competence (3QH) for HHPE 512)

HHPE 685 Portfolio Presentation (1QH)

Year 2  
HHPE 680 Teaching Practicum (3 QH)
HHPE 685 Portfolio Presentation (3 QH)
Elective (3 QH)
Summer Quarter  
Year 1  
HHPE 580 Research in Education (3 QH)
Elective (3 QH)

Assessment for Student Learning

Grading System

A 4.00 High Achievement
B 3.00 Above Average Achievement
C 2.00 Average Achievement
F 0.00 Failure

Grades without Associated Grade Points:
P Pass
F Fail

Assessment Methods

Students enrolled in the Master of Science in Health Professions Education degree program are evaluated using multi-faceted assessments that include but are not limited to written papers, discussions, group projects, case studies, poster presentations, course design projects, online exams and research assignments. Capstone projects, which include a teaching portfolio and a teaching practicum, are used to assess student learning at the completion of the program coursework.

Graduation Requirements

Students must meet the following program requirements:

  • Successful completion of a minimum of 47 quarter hours as required for the degree
  • Successful completion of all course requirements within five years from the date of matriculation
  • Successful completion of a master’s portfolio and teaching practicum
  • A minimum grade-point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in all courses in the program curriculum