Scott Hanes, PharmD

Scott Hanes, PharmD
Associate Dean of Clinical Affairs, Associate Professor

Scott Hanes, PharmD, Associate Dean of Clinical Affairs and Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice, joined the College of Pharmacy at Rosalind Franklin University in 2010. Dr. Hanes has over 25 years of experience in academic pharmacy, having served on the Pharmacy faculties of the Universities of Tennessee and Illinois. Dr. Hanes received his PharmD from the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) in 1994 and completed a PGY-1 residency at UIC followed by a 2-year Critical Care Research Fellowship at the University of Tennessee (1995-1997). While practicing in various critical care settings, Dr. Hanes was active in research and scholarship in the area critical care pharmacotherapy and pharmacokinetics. More recently, he has focused is interests in scholarship of teaching and learning.


  • Pathophysiology I
  • Pathophysiology II


Dr. Hanes’ research interests include the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic evaluation of antimicrobials in the intensive care unit setting. Specific areas of interest are clinical outcomes associated with inadequate empiric antibiotic therapy and the utilization of biomarkers as surrogate markers of pharmacodynamic response and clinical outcomes.


  1. Mazur Z, Hanes SD, Kern D. Effect of a Clinical Case-Study Course on Physician Assistant and Pharmacy Students' Interprofessional Care Competencies.J Physician Assist Educ 2019;30:223-7.
  2. Ferreri SP, Cross LB,Hanes SD, Jenkins T, Meyer D, Pittenger A. Academic Pharmacy: Where is our Influence? Am J Pharm Educ 2017 May;81(4):63.
  3. Kane SP,Hanes SD. Unexplained increases in serum vancomycin concentration in a morbidly obese patient.Intensive Crit Care Nurs 2017 Apr;39:55-58.
  4. Mueller EW, Croce MA, Boucher BA, Hanes SD, et al. Repeat bronchoalveolar lavage to guide antibiotic duration for ventilator-associated pneumonia. J Trauma 2007;63:1329-37.
  5. Wood GC, Mueller EW, Croce MA, Boucher BA, Hanes SD, Fabian TC. Evaluation of a clinical pathway for ventilator-associated pneumonia: changes in bacterial flora and the adequacy of empiric antibiotics over a three-year period. Surg Infect 2005; 6: 203-13.
  6. Mueller EW, Hanes SD, Croce MA, Wood GC, Boucher BA, Fabian TC. Effect of multiple episodes of inadequate empiric antibiotic therapy for ventilator-associated pneumonia on morbidity and mortality in critically ill trauma patients. J Trauma2005; 58:94-101.
  7. Hanes SD, Ritter B, Wood GC. Serum and alveolar procalcitonin concentrations during ventilator-associated pneumonia. J Infect Dis Pharmacotherapy2003.
  8. Wood GC, Hanes SD, Boucher BA, Croce MA, Fabian TC. Minocycline and doxycycline for treating ventilator-associated pneumonia caused by Acinetobacter. Intensive Care Medicine2003;29: 2072-2076.
  9. Brown RO, Alexander E, Hanes SD, Wood GC, Kudsk KA, Dickerson RN. Procalcitonin and enteral nutrition tolerance in critically ill patients. JPEN2003;27:84-88.
  10. Wood GC, Boucher BA, Croce MA, Hanes SD, Herring VL, Fabian TC. Aerosolized ceftazidime for the prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia and its effects on the proinflammatory response in critically Ill trauma patients. Pharmacotherapy2002;2:972-982.
  11. Hanes SD, Demirkan K, Tolley EA, Boucher BA, Croce MA, Wood GC, Fabian TC. Risk factors for late-onset ventilator associated pneumonia caused by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in critically ill trauma patients. Clin Infect Dis2002;35:228-35
  12. Hanes SD, Boucher BA. Procalcitonin in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid following severe pulmonary contusion. Crit Care Med2002;30:2171-2172.
  13. Letter.Wood GC, Hanes SD, Croce MA, Fabian TC, Boucher BA. Ampicillin-sulbactam compared to imipenem-cilastatin for the treatment of Acinetobacterventilator-associated pneumonia. Clin Infect Dis2002;34:1425-30.
  14. Hanes SD, Herring VL. Gentamicin enzyme-linked immumosorbent assay for microdialysis samples. Ther Drug Monitor2001;23:689-93.
  15. Hanes SD, Wood GC, Mandrell TD, Gades NM. Ceftazidime epithelial lining fluid concentrations during continuous and intermittent infusion.J Infect Dis Pharmacotherapy2001;4:29-41.
  16. Wood GC, Ling MR, Herring VL, Hanes SD, Boucher BA. Pharmacokinetics of cefuroxime axetil oral suspension in elderly volunteers.Journal of Informed Pharmacotherapy2001;5:100-3.
  17. Hanes SD, Wood GC, Herring V, et al. Intermittent and continuous ceftazidime infusion in critically ill trauma patients. Am J Surg2000;179:436-440.
  18. Hanes SD, Franklin M, Kuhl DA, Headley AS. Prolonged opioid antagonism with naloxone in chronic renal failure.Pharmacotherapy1999;19:897-901.
  19. Boucher BA, Hanes SD. Searching for simple outcome markers in sepsis: An effort in Futility?Crit Care Med1999;27:1390-1391.

Book Chapters

  1. Boucher BA, Clifton DG, Hanes SD. Critical Care Therapy. In: Herfindal ET, Gourley DR, eds. Textbook of Therapeutics: Drug and Disease Management. 8thed.Philadelphia, PA: Williams and Wilkins, 2006:655-673.
  2. Boucher BA, Clifton DG, Hanes SD. Critical Care Therapy. In: Herfindal ET, Gourley DR, eds. Textbook of Therapeutics: Drug and Disease Management. 7thed.Philadelphia, PA: Williams and Wilkins, 2000:2077-2094


Dr. Hanes's other interests include hockey and playing guitar.