Housing Message Board

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Please Note:

Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science and the Office of Student Housing:

  • Does not inspect or offer any guarantee for the condition or quality of the rental unit or items advertised.
  • Does not endorse any of the listed properties or advertisements.
  • Is not responsible for arrangement of rental contracts or sales transactions between individuals.

This information is intended only as a resource to students. We recommend that students visit any potential housing options to consider the best fit and/or inspect any items listed.

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Student Listings

Forum Topics Posts Last post

Student to Student Listings

For students to find a roommate or advertise available rooms to other students.
10 10 2024-10-02 10:10:16 by DannyAccit

Private Property

Forum Topics Posts Last post

Private Property Listings

Listings from private property owners are posted here.
1 1 2024-09-13 00:37:07 by hypereptime

Items for Sale

Forum Topics Posts Last post

Items for Sale

Student listings for any items for sale.
6 6 2024-01-02 22:36:18 by besplatnay_rnKa

Board information

Board statistics
Total number of registered users: 3,017
Total number of topics: 17
Total number of posts: 17
User information

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